Monday, July 19, 2010

Constructivism in Practice

This week Dr. Orey discussed the constructivism theory. In short, the constructivism theory is when students are engaged in their learning and are creating an artifact to demonstrate their learning.

I feel there are many different ways to incorporate constructivism within classrooms today, with and without technology. I do know that some teachers are still hesitant to use technology based projects with students due to lack of teacher knowledge or training on the program, lack of time, and lack of technological resources. Most artifacts can be done with or without technology. However, technology can sometimes increase student motivation as well as creativity. For example, if students took a virtual field trip to an animal shelter, they may create a brochure to demonstrate their knowledge of a community helper that works there, a veterinarian. Students can surely create this on paper using different media but they can also create it on a template created in PowerPoint. Through the use of PowerPoint, students will more easily be able to search for real pictures that can connect their learning and aid with their memory. With paper, this may be a bit more difficult, but not impossible. Students can also demonstrate their creativity by choosing color schemes, placement of information and pictures, as well as fonts.

I feel with technology, students need to really know the information before they are able to apply it to an artifact. They cannot pretend to understand it and complete the artifact well. By using technology and creating artifacts students will need to use the primary mechanisms for learning through accommodation, assimilation, and equilibration. Teachers have a responsibility to provide examples, pictures, and experiences to aide in a student’s learning and through the mechanisms for learning. This will create a better understanding of new information, which will result in a quality artifact.


  1. Hi Stacey,

    I think a PBL approach would work hand-in-hand with your example of making sure the students understand and present their information accurately. More specifically you might want to look into the PBL approach called the Big6.

    Check out this website:

    While you might not use each component, they can all effectively guide you and your students through a PBL project. I agree that kids need some sort of structure, but also have to be set free a bit to experiment with their own thoughts and ideas. PBL and Big6 allow this educational experience to take place.

    We are also fortunate in that there are so many computer programs out there that will help our students generate artifacts. While technology is not always available immediately, finding a place for it is important (as you are well aware).

    Thanks for sharing!

    Chris Hendricks

  2. Stacey,

    Here is a link to the younger kids version of Big6, called "Super3". It is geared more towards K-2 graders.


  3. AnonymousJuly 25, 2010

    Hi Stacey,

    I agree with you that Project Based Learning is an approach that can be implemented without technology, however, technology seems to give projects a more modern, relevant, and polished feel. Plus, kids get so excited (especially the young ones) when given the opportunity to work on computers. My feeling is, if you have the tech. available, use it! Personally, I find that without technology, I have a hard time accomplishing anything. My Internet access went out a few nights ago and I didn't know what to do with myself. :) Couldn't check what time the zoo opened, couldn't check my Facebook page, couldn't check the weather, and couldn't check the status of my online order. How did we do anything before?

  4. AnonymousJuly 25, 2010

    Great post Stacey! You provided some great insight into how technology can aid in artifact creation. I especially liked how you included the concept of accommodation, assimilation, and equilibration which we learned this week. Sometimes it's hard to distill so much information into a conscience few points, I think you did a wonderful job. Keep it up!

  5. I like the idea of using the virtual field trip and allowing the students to make a brochure about community helpers using a PowerPoint. What a great way to bring real life situations into the classroom.
