Tuesday, March 9, 2010

March 9, 2010: Options for blogging in a 2nd grade classroom

There are many different uses for blogging in the classroom. Once students understand how to blog, it can be a very powerful tool. O

ne way that I plan to use blogging in my classroom within the next few weeks is to answers journal prompts after watching a story online. It would be more of a reaading response journal entry (something my students are already familiar with) but with a new twist (technology).

Another way I would be able to use blogging in my second grade classroom is to implement character education. It is very hard to find time to teach specific behaviors such as honesty, respect, etc. other than modeling and teachable moments. I would like time to read books, discuss situations, and have students complete follow up activities. If I use Audacity to record the book, they can listen to that as a reading center. Next, they can log onto our class blog and answer a question about the character trait we are focusing on. They will be able to respond directly to my question as well as comment on other students' ideas. I think sutdents will be much more eager to respond via blog than having a conversation within the classroom. This also makes all students accountable for having an opinion and idea to contribute to the discussion. This is also a way of getting things into the curriculum that most of us do not have time to squeeze in.

Both of the above would be a way for students to showcase their knowledge of certain topics but also have meaningful conversation. It is also a helpful tool for the teacher that wants to incorporate further learning and investigation but cannot find the time to squeeze it in during the day.


  1. I am so jealous you have a second grade class! Your ideas and projects make me wish I had younger students. Both ideas sound wonderful. With the lovely state testing, many schools 'teach to the test' and forget about all of the other important aspects of life we need to teach.
    Incorporating traits and honesty through characters in techology is a great idea... especially for your age group. With the blog they will be able to keep track of all of their ideas and thought throughout the year and I am sure they love using a computer.
    Great ideas! Keep it up!

  2. I forgot to add a challenge! Sorry! A challenge may be time. In second grade I am not sure how fast they can type. Also, I am not sure if there are students with disabilities in your class? Maybe you can have 'computer time' once a week and plan to have a set amount of time, or have a few students go each day. For example, each student has their own 'designated computer day' to split up the time!
    Good Luck!

  3. I really like your ideas of using blogging in your classroom. I have used audacity before, i had to read and record my voice for an entire book we were reading. I had some trouble using audacity since i wasn't familiar with it. But I really like how you can use that as a reading center. And your point on having them respond without being in front of a classroom is great. I feel that students are hesitant when they want to speak their mind in front of students. They are too afraid, or they fear they will be laughed at by their peers. The only thing i could add for being a challenge,will you show the students how to access and understand a blog? I'm still trying to figure this whole blog thing out. What about those students who don't have access to a computer at their house. Will this be blogging time during class? I think a class of demonstrating how to setup a blog and how it works would benefit for lessons to come once they grasp the concept. Taking the time to explain it correctly will save you time in the future. Either way great idea of using blogging in the classroom.

  4. "Shrift" and "Youknowit102"-

    Thanks for your comments. I do love second grade.

    Just as I do with all new items in second grade, I introduce it to students whole group, model how to use it, and practice, practice, practice! The same would go for blogging. I am fortunate to have a SMART board where I can project the blog onto the screen for all students to view. They can watch everything I am doing. Also, I can use Audacity to record a tutorial program that students can watch and review before signing into the blog. Fortunately in my district, we also have a BTI (building technology integrator) which in fancy terms is a computer teacher. When they do not have classes, they are available to support the staff. I have one coming in to my room in a few weeks to help my students log in to my class MOODLE - which is like a blog.

    I agree that time is definitely a challenge - not just with technology! Each day, students rotate through centers while I teach guided reading. Each group typically gets to each center at least four out of five days. This will give students work time during class since I do know there are students who do not have internet access available outside of school or parents that are technologically literate. I currently do not have any students with disabilities, but that can change from year to year. If that was a situation in the classroom, I would be sure to find accommodations for those students.

    Thanks for your comments and suggestions.
